about us

we are an expert pan-provincial research team from the Universities of Alberta and Calgary, and the Institute of Health Economics.

Our team consists of highly experienced thought leaders and a core group of talented individuals. We also collaborate with a wide network of research partners and clinical experts.


Scott Klarenbach, MD, MSc

Scott Klarenbach is a clinician, health economist, and Professor at the University of Alberta. He has expertise and demonstrated experience in the type of evidence that is needed to inform health care and drug policy decision making.

Jeff Round, PhD

Jeff Round is the Chief Scientific Officer at the Institute of Health Economics. He leads a portfolio on the use of real world evidence in reimbursement decisions, and is involved in developing Canadian real world evidence guidance for health technology assessment submissions.

Tyler Williamson, PhD

Tyler Williamson is an Associate Professor of Biostatistics and Director of the Centre for Health Informatics at the University of Calgary. He is an internationally recognized expert in combining electronic medical records and administrative data for health services research.


Brandee Borne, BSc

Associate Director, Operations and Strategy

Brandee Borne directs the business office and oversees contracting, research agreements and legal matters, finance, organizational structure, human resources, and strategic direction. She ensures appropriate and necessary research infrastructure and agreements to support key functions of the Consortium.

Huong Luu, MD, PhD

Statistical Lead

Huong Luu brings a clinical perspective and a wealth of epidemiological and biostatistical research experience to the team. She routinely applies advanced statistical methods across a broad range of therapeutic areas and various administrative datasets to facilitate evidence-based decision making.

Khanh Vu, MD, PhD

Statistical Lead

Khanh Vu is a public health researcher, epidemiologist, and biostatistician with training in medicine. He has considerable experience in epidemiological and clinical trial design, and analysis of administrative health data using advanced statistical methods.

Sylvia Aponte-Hao, MSc

Senior Statistician

Sylvia Aponte-Hao has a background in statistics and epidemiology, and has experience using administrative health data to answer questions using a variety of methods, including epidemiological, statistical, and machine learning.

Karen Martins, PhD

Associate Director, Research and Strategy

Karen Martins oversees funding partner engagement, knowledge user relationships, strategic direction, and the research portfolio. She has a comprehensive research scope that spans numerous therapeutic areas and research methodologies from bench to bedside to health systems.

Brent Korte, BA

Business Development Lead

Brent Korte is the first point of engagement for prospective partners. His knowledge of the regulatory, health technology assessment, and reimbursement intricacies in Canada allows him to support initial strategic approaches and utility of collaboration between industry partners and the Consortium.

Jason Randall, PhD

Research Lead

Jason Randall has expertise in health sciences and epidemiology research, as well as statistics, data science, evaluation, and analytics. He brings experience from working within Alberta’s health authority and with various knowledge user groups including Indigenous organizations.

Helen So, PhD

Health Economics Lead

Helen So has expertise in health services research including health care costing analysis, economic evaluations, and health technology assessments, supporting decision making.

Rachel (Phuong Uyen) Nguyen, MDSA


Rachel (Phuong Uyen) Nguyen brings a multidisciplinary background in medicine, psychology, and data science and analytics to the team. She has a comprehensive understanding of health data, statistical modelling, programming, and data analytics and visualization.